Hillsdale College Online Courses Podcast

The David Story: Saul’s Rivalry with David

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On this episode of The Hillsdale College Online Courses Podcast, Jeremiah and Juan refute the common view of David as a scrawny teen before introducing a lecture by Justin Jackson, professor of English at Hillsdale College.

First and Second Samuel tell the story of Saul and David, Israel’s first two kings. These Old Testament books depict the importance of the relationship between father and son and the consequences of sin for the sinner, his family, and his nation. While David’s transgressions lead to great tragedy for himself and Israel, his penitence shows a path toward redemption.

Saul’s two acts of disobedience precipitate his downfall and the loss of his kingship. The subsequent rise in popularity of the newly anointed David turns Saul’s love for David into fear and envy.

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