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The Havoc-Filled Life of a Headmaster

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Hillsdale College free online course: American Citizenship and Its Decline

Trent Kramer (’13)
Headmaster at Ascent Classical Academies 

How to Become a Presidential Speechwriter
Trent Kramer (‘13) is the Headmaster at Ascent Classical Academy. He discusses the diversity of work as a Headmaster, which includes strategic planning, teaching, relationship building, and sometimes cleaning up bloody noses! Mr. Kramer shares the beauty of preparing kids for life rather than just college and vocation, building strong character rather than perfecting standardized exams, and teaching kids to pursue goodness and virtue for the sake of itself.

Beyond the Bubble: Navigating Professional Life After College

Navigating the professional world as a recent graduate is a daunting task. Beyond the Bubble interviews have helped thousands of young alumni and current college students gain the skills they need to succeed “beyond the bubble” of undergraduate life. Listen now to get insider resume and interview tips, localized career advice, and “day in the life” stories across a variety of professions.

Beyond the Bubble is a production by Hillsdale College Career Services.