Hillsdale College Online Courses Podcast

The Genesis Story: Adam and Eve

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On this episode of The Hillsdale College Online Courses Podcast, Kyle and Juan meditate on the value of reexamining the story of Adam and Eve before introducing Justin Jackson.

Genesis is a book of fundamental importance for the Jewish and Christian faiths and has exerted a profound influence on Western Civilization. In addition to being a great religious text, it is also a literary masterpiece. This course explores some of the work’s major narrative themes, including the complex relationship between God and man, the consequences of a rupture in that relationship, and the path towards reconciliation.

Genesis is dominated by four types of relationships: God and creation, God and human, human and human, and human and creation. Adam and Eve’s transgression in the Garden of Eden transforms the relationship between God and man and sets the stage for the remaining narratives of Genesis.

Hillsdale Online Learning

Discover the beauty of the Bible in “The Genesis Story,” encounter the brilliance of Plato and Aristotle in “Introduction to Western Philosophy,” and explore the true meaning of America in “Constitution 101” all with Hillsdale faculty.